Mouse Bot


==>> Add Mouse Bot to your server! <<==

This guide is designed to help new users get a hang of the commands available and experienced users figure out things they didn't already know.

You can find the code on GitHub

What's New?

  • New behind-the-scene improvements
    • Migrating to new database
    • New hosting service
    • Faster processing
    • Better error catching
  • Updated profile command
    • More information
    • Better layout
  • Changed add command to register
  • User's must now register before they can use any commands
  • Removed moderation commands to focus on improving SWGoH commands

Come check out the Discord server for all updates and any notifications.


I hope you find this guide to be helpful. My goal is to create a tool that everyone can use to make finding information easier. If you enjoy using Mouse Bot, please consider supporting it so that Mouse Bot can continue to improve and get better either by contributing code and support or contributing monetarily. Help me host Mouse Bot on a better server.

If you need help, you can always ask me or join the Discord support server.

If you find any bugs or typos, please let me know! (You can use the bug command)
I hope you enjoy this bot as much as I do!

The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with the EA, EA Capital Games, Disney, Lucasfilm LTD or

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